The Breakdown - August 22nd, 2009 - Parenting 101

Remember when you were a kid playing with the razorblades and broken glass your parents got you for your birthday... and the special times during a thunderstorm when the grown ups would sit around and drink beer while you played in the pool. Those were the best! Well, today GH took us for a nice trip down memory lane as we all watched intently to see if Cam, Jake, and Spencer would survive the picnic. We went 0 for 3 for parents who had enough common sense to properly evaluate the situation. We should have seen this coming when Nikolas showed up to a barbecue in business attire. At least he knows enough to know that he is not a great parent. Don't worry, I'm sure Liz will soon help you father your second child whose half-brothers will also be it's cousins. Confusing I know.

Speaking of not parenting, Sonny finds Claudia sitting in a baby blue rocker that was meant for their son. Though Sonny is the voice of reason he could stand to undergo some sensitivity training. However, what he lacks in sensitivity he makes up for with heartwarming stories about trains. Choo Chooooo! For the first time since... forever... Slaudia has a civil, dare I say loving, conversation. And, hey, it's always a good day when you are surprised that your husband doesn't want to divorce you.

In Mexico, Jason's fever might have broken, but Jasam is getting warmer! Ba dom bom chhhhhhhh

Lessons learned...
1. Don't let Liz, Lucky, or Nikolas watch your kids.
2. Just because your husband hits on other women and hopes you're not carrying his baby doesn't mean that he wants to divorce you. Yay!

Have a great weekend! Tell someone you heart them!

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