I'm not sure how entertaining today's recap is going to be for a couple reasons... a. I just got back from an all day client meeting/dinner so it is late, I am exhausted, and I'm out of RingDings... b. I can't really think straight right now after watching the final Jasam scene. Yowza! Little sponge-bath from Steve Burton... no big deal. For that, he wins the highly coveted Actor Du Jour selection. My favorite part of this scene however, is that they have decided after 6 years that it might be time for this couple to have a new theme song. Baaaabaaaay, it's just about time, we've gotta get a new song...

Yep. It's official. I have been drained of any and all creativity. In a nutshell...

Nikolas kisses Elizabeth AGAIN. Elizabeth stops him AGAIN, but only after 10 or so seconds of indulgence. Cut to Nikolas "I can never be without a woman" Cassadine apologizing to Rebecca and hoping to start over. Isn't that her line?

Claudia wants to have another baby now that, in a shocking turn of events, Sonny doesn't want to get divorced. Her argument is that she would be the first woman he could have a "mob baby" with. Why don't you just... That kid is going to be... I can't believe... there are so many directions I could go here that it is actually stunting me.

Alright, I am now half asleep and I have no idea what I just wrote. Sweet dreams.

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