This may or may not disturb you, but I was sitting here wondering if there was another term I could use for GH fans or GH'ers just to mix things up. I decided that I would approach this naming task as if I was dealing with a couple (i.e. Brangelina, Jasam, Spixie etc...). Are you starting to see where this is going? You guessed it folks, after dedicating several seconds of my very best thinking to this assignment I have discovered, based on modern day lingual trends, that GH fans could best be described as Genitals. You can do with that information what you will.

Subject change? Yes, please! So today in Port Charles things are moving right along for the newly engaged couple. If you don't know who I'm talking about you should stop reading this blog. J/K it's Spixie! Please don't leave me! Anyway, alot happened so I'll break it down for you in chronological order. Spinelli is excited, Robin assumes pregnancy, Maxie denies, Spinelli faints, Spinelli talks babies, Maxie throws up a little in her mouth, Spinelli talks Spinelli, Maxie throws up a little in her mouth, Johnny enters, stuff happens, Kate enters, Kate hijacks wedding, Maxie regains control, Maxie loses her mind. The good news ladies and Genitals, is that we know now that this will all be over on September 21st. Will they tie the knot? Will Maxie be honest? Can any of you focus now that I said Genitals?

Speaking of, south of the border... Jason finds Jerry hiding out in an abandoned church. Jerry, who I realized today reminds me of the Dyson vacuum guy, pretty much monologues the whole time. I'm not sure exactly what he said except for the "Jaseepoo" that came out somewhere in the middle. I certainly don't know what he said after that! Finally, the monologue ends as most villianous monologues do with the protagonist swiftly attacking from behind and asking where someone named Sam is. Jerry somehow escapes a man three times his size by nudging him with his elbow. Blast it all! Eventually, they wrestle their way through a supporting beam and both end up buried under a collapsed ceiling. Oh botha (you remember Eeyore from Pooh? The donkey? Depressed all time? Tale nailed to his assets? Forget it.)

Back at the place where the kids are staying Michael is more and more convinced that Jerry is bad news. Kristina is more and more naive even though they have been more or less locked in a room with no connection to the outside world. Ah frick, we're gonna miss iCarly. Michael attempts to attack the rent-a-cop so Kristina can escape, but she appears to hesitate. I just can't tell if it is a real hesitation or just the "freeze your pose for several seconds at the end of each scene to add suspense" pose.

Dominante gets arrested and Diane tries to get him out of it. Of course he does this on his own by breaking the cardinal rule of working undercover... telling a handful of people that you are working undercover. At least you're still pretty.

My favorite scene of the day goes to Olivia who has forced me to ask the question... What's the music equivelant of women who don't dress their own age?

Alright, alright, that's enough for one day! Tell me what you're thinking... Will Spinista get married? Will Olivia choose Sonny? Will they always write Spinelli's script like he is Hamlet?