General Hospital - August 12th, 2009 - Crush On Jason

Where I live there is a fugitive show that airs once a week to inform the public of criminals on the loose in the area. About a year ago one of the criminals saw himself on the show and called the network wondering why he saw his mugshot on TV. The network made up a story about how he won something, but needed him to disclose his location so he could collect. Of course, he agreed, otherwise this story wouldn't be worth telling. The cops arrested him within an hour. All this is to say that I think Jerry Jacks is almost as dumb a criminal as this guy. First we get a sleep inducing monologue, then we get cliche bad guy jokes like "Jason, you look crushed.", and then he leaves his enemy alive. What is this job security?!

Kristina escapes the guard and pretends that she intentionally pulls the fire alarm to save Michael. Suuuuuure.

In Port Charles, Traci has intuited that Ethan and Rebecca have secrets and wants Ethan to spill. After he sees Rebecca and Nicholas gambling he decides it's time to tattle on her to Lucky and give him the responsibility of telling Nicholas about her intentions or not. Okay... so it looks like Nicholas is basically going to go after whichever woman gives him the most attention. In fact he is so starved for attention that he is kieffing cell phones. I gotta say, it seems like he and Elizabeth have great chemistry, but dude... I'm not sure if I can encourage brother-share. Yah, no.

Olivia and Johnny are doing their part to reduce the carbon footprint by recycling scripts. I can't remember the last time they had a scene together when they didn't reassure each other of their feelings and then immediately get down to business. Bow chica wow wow.

The Dominante storyline is moving along rapidly in soap opera years. His reunion with dear old dad shouldn't be too far off.

What can I say about Spixie? A few weeks ago I was so happy for them, but now I've lost the will to root them on. Spinelli has achieved new levels of annoyance and Maxie is incapable of being honest. Fortunately, today their awkward alone time was interrupted by Lulu who is going to be planning the wedding with Maxie. The scene of the day goes to Maxie when she freaks out over not being able to picture her wedding shoes. Priceless.

Oh, and Diane is awesome!