Slap! Crackle! Pop!

Defense mechanisms are a funny thing. Some people live in denial (Cough*Kristina*Cough), some people rationalize bad behavior (Um, Rebecca?... What?! I got the short end of the twin stick!), and some people leave their injured children alone in the hospital, seek out inappropriate sexual partners, and accept unwanted proposals in order to avoid the stress of having a hospitalized child, inappropriate feelings, and unwanted proposals (insert Elizabeth's name here).

Of course there are other defense mechanisms that are less psychological in nature and slightly more physical. Take the "slap in the face" for instance. Sometimes words just aren't enough to express your distaste in being called your brother's lover... Nor, to express your distaste in your brother's actual lover. However, when using this defense tactic beware of the counter-defense which quite often manifests itself in the form of a "fist in the face". (fine print: The risk of a counter-attack increases when slapping feisty cougars from Bensonhurst. Slapping can sometimes result in redness of the palm, and next-day wrist fatigue. If redness lasts for more than 4 hours you should consult your physician. No, not to thank him. If you are not satisfied with your slapping experience, spitting at the antogonists feet while walking away is recommended.)

Today's Most Valuable Actor (MVA) goes to...... Sarah Joy Brown playing the role of Claudia Zaccara. Wow, this is so unexpected! I just want to thank the fans and... Kanye West? What are you.... I just want to say that Lisa LoCicero gave the best performance of all time!....... SLAP!!!

Lessons learned...
1. It's okay to punch people who slap you.
2. It's okay to slap people who say you are your brother's lover.
3. It's okay to slap Kanye West.

Don't forget to click on the banner on the bottom right of the page to help raise money for To Write Love On Her Arms. Much love.
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