Mistress Mercy

I'm so proud of the person Rebecca has become. I certainly can't say that I would have chosen Edward over Nikolas or Ethan. Hats off to you, Almost Emily. To bad the only way Elizabeth can work up the courage to tell Lucky she no longer feels a spark for him is to start a fire with his brother/your main squeeze-doodle. Yes, I'm fairly certain it is consentual. Yes, you can keep your red dress. No, I wouldn't recommend it.

What a great day! Rebecca gets to keep her dress... Dante gets to keep his kidneys... Olivia gets to keep her secret... and Jason makes a joke! Ah yes, these are the days of our lives. Wait. I mean General Hospital. Uhhhhh, Mercy Hospital!? Seriously, what the blazes is this. JohnSpin is cheating on General Hospital?! And it's not like he just kind of cheated with a small check up. He had surgery! I hope you are really happy together.

Lesson's learned...
1. It's better to keep your kidneys than to not.
2. The term "main squeeze-doodle" is grossly under-valued
3. If you have surgery with another hospital you are a dirty little cheater.
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