The Breakdown - August 17th, 2009 - My Clavicle Hurts

So, you know when you've been shot in the clavicle and have been bleeding for 24 hours straight and then somebody finally finds you and you rush to the hospital so you don't die. Okay. Just making sure.

Sam finds Jason at the church lying in a deathbed of debris and since he doesn't have a fever yet the assumption is that he'll be fine. She finds a room for him to recover in, and by recover I mean leave wounds unattended and drink brandy (Liason fans are going to be all over this). It's okay though, cause all Jason really needs is a little conversation... oh, and take the bullet out of my leg. Her first surgery is a success and in the meantime she tells him the all too anti-climactic story of what happened with Michael, Kristina, Jerry, and Pedro Ginormous who we now know is a drug dealer. I couldn't quite tell if she was withholding information (that will inevitably become an issue in the future), but since it is a soap opera I suppose there's no point in hoping that it all played out exactly as she said. Finally, since this is one of the most anticipated reunions in soapdom, the writers give Jason a fever after all and the chills can only be cured by a Sam snuggle. Well played, Jason. Well played.

Back at Wyndemere, Rebecca is fearing for her life as Nicholas does an uncanny impersonation of Hannibal Lechter. Now, I don't think I want Nicholas to go over to the dark side yet, but, he would be dang good at it. He accuses her of being a... cover your ears... "whore" and then drops the Lechter act to mock Ethan's accent which was entertaining and if you think otherwise you are wrong. She tries to persuade him that her original plot was foiled by love and it actually works-ish. He kisses her and holds her and all is forgiven. Psych! How do YOU like it, Rebecca... if that is in fact your real name! Rebecca physically leaves and Nicholas mentally leaves as he attempts to drink his own body weight. He sits on a ledge and considers suicide, he goes inside and burglarizes his own place, and then he sits on a ledge and considers suicide. Liz comes and talks him down and they share an almost kiss. Ahhh, rebounding. Meanwhile, Rebecca comes clean to the Quartermaines and slaps Lucky in the face. I smell brother-swap!

Dante and Olivia continue their seemingly life-long argument over who has to move back to Brooklyn and bow out of Sonny's life. As always, both parties are unyielding and nothing is accomplished.

P.S. Sonny, if you like a girl, tell her you like her. Don't keep telling her how much she likes you.

That's it for today! Much love!

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